Get Involved!
The Twin Cities Rod and Gun Club is an all volunteer non-profit organization, so your participation is not only welcome; it is necessary. There are several opportunities for you to get involved.
Learn more about the club:
1. How can you find out more about what's going on in the club?
The Club Business Meeting- Find out about our proposed plans, changes, organization, procedures, and meet our governing board. The business meeting occurs on first Wednesday of the month at 7pm at the indoor range.
The Dinner Meeting- Meet more club members while enjoying a tasty dinner. Dinners occur on the second Wednesday of the month from September through May at 6:30pm at the indoor range. The dinner costs $8 per person. We also offer a few dinner drawings. This is also where certain club functions are announced.
Range Committee Meeting- The range committee meets on the fourth Wednesday at 7pm at the outdoor range. Any member is welcome to stop by and offer their assistance in keeping up the range. Offer your two cents on improvements.
2. How can you get your hands dirty?
The club welcomes you to work at the range work day. The range closes down on the second Saturday of the month for range improvements. We usually try to start around 9am. Come on down and do your part! No experience or skill necessary. Even our webmaster has been seen lifting a hammer!
3. What shooting opportunities can you try out? This is a list of current opportunities. If you'd like more, let us know at the business meeting!
CMP Fun Shoot/High Power Shoot- The club owns several M1 Garand rifles which are made available for your use on the second Sunday of the month at 2pm at the outdoor range. You get 48 rounds for $20 (price subject to change). The club is CMP affiliated, so you can qualify at the club to purchase your own M1 from CMP. Alternately, you can bring out your own rifle and blast away.
IDPA-style shoot- Interested in finding out if you can really shoot under pressure? Come on out and try our IDPA-style shoot. We are currently working on developing this program into a full IDPA-sponsored activity. Try it out at the outdoor range on the second Sunday of the month at 2pm. No prior experience necessary.
Centerfire Bullseye League- 6:30 on Thursdays during the late summer/early fall season. Check the activity page and the calendar for more information.